Glass Life
(A Sequel to “Cobwebbed”)
We did not waddle uniform,
nor were we coddled
by the scruff of the neck.
We scattered,
a myriad of spiderling eyes
glowing with dappled morning light.
Come winter, there will be only
the brothers that I can count,
one for each of my unsteady legs,
which skitter across the ice
to watch sunbeams slant from
pane to pane to pane to pane
of her mosaic stained-glass wings.
Those silk shoes—
I spun them for her.
I will forever spin for her,
as she does for me,
between each spindle
of my final web.
Soon, this glass life will shatter me
and my fragments will rest,
sharp and invisible,
forever underfoot,
until I die a villain
and she, a woodland wonder.