a literary journal


Online Submission Guidelines

ENIGMA accepts work from students affiliated with the University of Exeter. Please do not send in pieces of summative coursework that have not yet been submitted or marked. This is against university guidelines.

This year, our call for submissions is based around themes which are: Home, Disruption, Secrets, Crossroads, Fortune, and Destination. Make sure to include the theme you are responding to in the subject line and / or the body text of your email.

If a member of our team suggests edits, please make these on your submission yourself and re-submit.


  • Individuals may send up to two pieces of written work per submission period.

  • Fiction submissions should not exceed 2500 words per piece.

  • We welcome work from all genres.


  • Individuals may send up to two pieces of written work.

  • Nonfiction submissions should not exceed 2000 words per piece.

  • Creative nonfiction can include writing from genres such as travel writing, food writing, personal essays, memoir, diary etc…

  • This section aims to publish work that includes the personal within each piece and, in contrast to academic or journalist prose, the style or writing will be either literary and/or self reflexive.


  • Individuals may send up to two pieces of written work.

  • Poetry submissions should not exceed 140 lines for the entire submission i.e. the two pieces together should amount to no more than 140 lines.

  • Feel free to make a submission that has only one poem of any length within the 140 line limit parameter

  • Individuals may send up to two pieces of written work per submission period.

  • Up to 5/10 minute per script/screenplay (1 page ~ 1 minute).

  • Font Size 12, courier font or variation of courier font (font size is important to ensure the page number is accurate to an actual screenplay/written script).

  • We welcome work from all genres.


  • Individuals may send up to two pieces of written work.

  • Submissions should not exceed 400 words per piece.

  • Pocket pieces includes both flash fiction or non-fiction pieces on any topic, theme or genre.

  • This section aims to publish shorter work that may be less developed than longer works for the other sections with the intention of opening up a space for writers to express themselves without as much pressure to create something as ‘well-formed’.


  • When submitting POETRY please send an email to: exeterenigmapoetry@gmail.com

    When submitting FICTION please send an email to: exeterenigmafiction@gmail.com

    When submitting NON-FICTION please send an email to: exeterenigmanonfiction@gmail.com

    When submitting SCRIPT please send an email to: exeterenigmascript@gmail.com

    When submitting POCKETS, please send fiction pieces to: exeterenigmafiction@gmail.com

    and non-fiction pieces to:


  • Include in the subject line of the email your full name (i.e. Jane Doe, Poetry).

  • If the submission relates to a particular theme include this in the subject line and / or the body text of your email.

  • Name your document in the form: My Name - Title of Submitted piece. If you submit more than one piece, please include titles for all pieces submitted e.g. My Name - Title of Submitted Piece 1 - Title of Submitted Piece 2 - … etc.

  • You may submit to more than one section in each submission period.

  • If submitting multiple pieces, please seperate the pieces through sending them on different documents on seperate emails.

  • In the document include a title for each of your pieces.

  • You may submit to more than one section in each submission period, provided each submission is sent as a separate email to the individual email accounts (i.e. do not include work for a different section of the journal in a singular submission.)

Sending your work

If you have any concerns about your submission in regards to the guidelines please drop us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible: exeterenigma@gmail.com

Feedback and Publication

  • We will notify you if your submission will be published online.

  • Feedback will be given on every submission.

  • If you submit more than the limit stated above per section, we will only provide feedback on the first two pieces.

  • Any major editorial work will be sent back to the writer for review before we publish the piece. It is the writer’s responsibility to respond to and make the suggested edits.

  • Minor edits and formatting revisions will seek confirmation from the writer before publication.

  • Upon acceptance, authors will grant ENIGMA the non-exclusive right to publish their work online. This means authors are free to publish their work elsewhere at the same time.

  • If for any reason an author wishes to withdraw from online publication, they should notify the journal.

  • Unless otherwise stated by the author, the author also grants ENIGMA the right to include their work in one printed version of the journal.

Visual Content Submission Guidelines

  • We currently accept a maximum of 10 separate items in each submission cycle.

  • We welcome all visual media from photography to illustration to graphic design etc...

  • Include in the subject line of the email the section you are submitting to and your full name (i.e. Jane Doe, Visual Media).

  • Please title each file with your name. If a work is titled include that in the file name (i.e: Jane Doe, ‘A basket of fruit’)

  • Send files as a JPEG or PNG.

  • For any non-digital work, please send work that is scanned or as a high-quality photograph.

  • We will notify you if your submission will be published online

  • When submitting, send your email to: exeterenigma@gmail.com