a literary journal


Caught in the Net


A Light A window A peach A peach ceiling and 

yes I feel like one of the angels in this duvet he says it’s like a fishnet like a Greek kind of fishnet with fish netted in the middle yes middle of these white squares or white rope but no that could not be right no to me it was much rather like eyes blue eyes with white pupils yes white on blue on white yes that was it I was Ezekiel no rather like Ezekiel as I’m not him at least not yet though I do have pillow wings but no wheels no not me never me I could not be half of what they were no not me I do not pray why would I pray I’m not a Christian for you see my god is whoever does not bore me for a day yes you see there are many gods by this logic but even gods can fall yes fall after a day fall after an hour hell even less than one or even worse they may not fall for an eternity or however long eternity is I really wonder how long it is maybe I will find out if I should see the world go dark I shall hark I shall whisper into the void yes I much like to think there is a void though I suppose that’s quite morbid oh I wonder how everything will go yes will it go like some drop in the ocean or much like those late summer days yes long late summer that feels like an evergreen yes an evergreen tip or evergreen leaf and leafage lolling in the sun until it goes down down so late or maybe something like a rhododendron falling away in European sun yes no rhododendrons here it’s much too cold yes it feels like one of those today yes a late summer day but I can promise it isn’t though maybe I should go outside and take the duvet with me maybe I could fly though I think that if I couldn’t I might just fall fall no oh no I shouldn’t fall just yet I do not wish to fall I should stay inside for a while especially if god wills it I should stop talking about god no I don’t pray why would I oh did I mention that this isn’t my bed no I could never be that legendary in my own no the seraph doesn’t exist unless you think it does but because he thinks it does yes see yes look and see look look at the way he looks at me like he thinks I’m a myth of sorts I guess I am and am not in the blue yes something caught off the coast of time like a lost and cosmic nymph swimming the blue blue morning in shallow dream water but not quite a woman no I am not a woman I wonder if he would prefer me to be but what does it matter I am a nymph nonetheless yes where is my water bring me my water yes give me an ocean give me a sea look at the way he’s looking at me he will give me anything I ask for yes if I give him my breast or however much of a breast I have yes because I am not a woman though I wonder if he would prefer me to be but I don’t have much of one not much of a breast so maybe I should stay under the covers then he won’t notice too much yes yes stay Greek in the fishnet yes stay in the Greek fishnet yes I am safe in this moment blue blue moment how blue and how long will this moment be

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