a literary journal


Month of Sundays: a Lockdown Villanelle


I will remain myself, myself always;

these restrictions will not inhabit me,

never in a month of Sundays.


No matter what that inner voice says,

I will use my time diligently.

I will remain myself, myself always.


However circumstance plays,

it will not tell me how to be;

never in a month of Sundays.


I am supported in so many ways,

and I will support my family.

I will remain myself, myself always.


We are starting to see time through a haze.

Though enclosed, are we sometimes free?

(Never in a month of Sundays).


Where is the end of these endless days?

Does everybody else feel like me?

Will I remain myself, myself always?

Never in a month of Sundays.


                                              SR 30-4-20