The atmosphere is slowly tinting grey, I stayed up too long again:
My heart didn't break
When we decided you couldn't see it anymore
Or that night when both of us
Broke that promise
In a silent, red regret
I want to wash these bedsheets
With cold soap, white wine, and tears
The eggshell blue of a city night sky feels the same way as these memories
Slightly harsh, clinical touch and sounds
A distance I can't quite make out in this cold
When the right voice, and words
Came into my life one petroleum lit day
That heart of mine finally dared to shatter
Maybe to love again, maybe to tug on my lungs until they let me breathe
He did that, I just don’t know if I feel yet
I thought I built mountains against your attitude
The way you twist my tongue
And set my brain on fire, like only absent parents usually do
I bleed at these feelings, from my eyes and fingertips, with every pore
You forced them on me, he took them in a blanket and taught me how to rid guilt
But now I don't sleep
Suffocating white under all this smoke, exhaling a burden
Unpacking a suitcase of clothes I don't own
Keeping them close
And learning to embrace a new way of fashion,
maybe I'll wear this suit when I visit him