A blindfold hued the eggshell of her dress:
Some hands held heads, fresh-washed with many tears…
For she was six and ten, no more, no less.
Read MoreA blindfold hued the eggshell of her dress:
Some hands held heads, fresh-washed with many tears…
For she was six and ten, no more, no less.
Read MoreHere is the message “hello world”
from the newest computing language in my brain.
I stand in digital space with my machine gun
spraying nothingness with ones and zeros.
Read MoreI wander through lands sun-kissed by your dust…
Read Morefour months out from a sunflower bloom.
somewhere outside kyiv is a clearing, budding
sunflowers poke through the snow; turgid,
a burned-out BTR rests its hull against the earth.
all falling through my dreaming.
Read Morehands fumble blindly, clutching onto everything they touch, desperately testing.
anything as long as it’s sharp.
the idea of the hourglass, too full of sand – why does it have to be so full? – a thought that has crashed through reality, shattering sanity.
Read Morecrying — that godawful sign of life
panic — occasional sign of love —
sparrows in their branches shrieking to each other
about the cat in the grass.
Read Moreas I lie in bed
awake at 3 am
I try to craft something beautiful
as to not waste this sadness
Read MoreRoot minus one timesed by eight,
Over arccos minus one; integrate.
When the cloud boy fades to night, you won’t even notice.
He won’t go out in a thunderstorm, or a blizzard, but instead in the drizzle
of his mother’s tears; a puddle drowning the only post-it note he left
behind; his ink-heart words bleeding thick plumes of smoke.
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