summer is sinking her teeth into my bones, like I am a rotten fruit in the mandibles of a bug. my peach fuzz skin lies broken open on the sand, the sea breeze slowly cooling my insides.
Read MoreWhy is it that the pen on paper feels so much more intimate when I know it is going to you?
Each stroke becomes my hand in yours, yours in my hair
Read MoreI sound the horn and declare war on time.
This marching arrow will march no more
with a bullet in its knee and another in its jaw.
Read MoreHumans have windows with shutters and drapes;
Hinged spheres of glossed glass tinted many colours.
Read MoreA wandering child finds a shadow-show:
watches the pale tarp contort the gloom,
where a story is painted by the loss –
Read MoreThere I am, on the hardwood floor, peacefully cracked,
body broken in half like my Russian dollies.
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